Well, have to start somewhere, so an introduction which sets an intention seems like a reasonable place. Or how about a Who What Where Why When summary?! Sure, great.
Who: my family (pseudonymically) the Wythaseas
What: a blog to showcase and provide outlet for a variety of our (see ‘Who’) creative pursuits.
Where: wherever we get to, but headquartered in the Philly metro area
When: now, always
Why: because, like, content creation
How: *shrug* idk
The longer and more polite answer:
Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Erica!
I am a soon-to-be graduate of the Georgia Tech Masters in Analytics program and wanted to start a data science portfolio website for my fun personal projects, both in data science and outside of data science.
I’m also a mom and want to see my amazing and creative kids embrace content creation and I hope this will become a place for that as well as a sort of living log of some of our creative endeavors.
So, in 2020 one of my ‘resolutions’ (not really a resolution so much as an intention) was to finally bite the bullet and *make it so* (h/t Picard). And I’m happily joined by my lovely partner and our (collectively) three super amazing kids.
Subject matter intentions:
- Our experiences with games and art using the VR / Oculus Quest
- Photography
- Science/engineering projects with kids
- 3D Printing
- Machine learning projects (generative, deep dreams and style transfer)
- Processing (maybe processing w/ VR?? hmmm)
- Yogurt, homemade soda, sourdough and other fermenting fun
- Our cute pets (it’s the internet after all.. what would it be without cutie fluffers?!)
- Thoughts on community / organizing / dynamics thereof
- Outdoors, nature, great trails, cool ruins, maybe some a bit of history
- Reinforcement Learning + Robotics (maybe? fingers crossed?)